Navigating the Path to Parenthood and Holistic Health: A Journey with Dr. Hopi
In our quest for holistic well-being, it's essential to explore the stories and expertise of those who have walked this path. As a dedicated acupuncturist in Reno, my personal experiences are deeply intertwined with my professional journey.
In this post, I delve into my parenting journey in a conversation with Jennifer Campbell on her podcast called Becoming Parents! I talk about my expertise in acupuncture and herbal medicine, providing insights into fertility, women's health, and holistic healing.
A Personal Journey: From Career to Family Considerations
My journey began with a deep commitment to my career as a healer and massage therapist. My dedication to helping others led me to pursue a Master's in Oriental Medicine in my late thirties. However, amid my busy life as a full-time student, I felt the ticking of the biological clock, prompting me to consider the possibility of motherhood.
Despite my lifelong hesitation about bringing a child into the world, I decided to embrace the journey. I met my first husband and got married a year after completing acupuncture school. It was then that I began experiencing fertility issues. Research shows that acupuncture and herbal medicine, is very effective in fertility treatments, holistic pregnancy and natural childbirth. I also sought the advice of many holistic and traditional medicine doctors.
I thought I’d cracked the code when I discovered I was pregnant at age 42. My elation was short-lived, however, as I experienced a miscarriage at the end of my first trimester. This dark night of the soul experience opened my eyes to the prevalence and often silent suffering associated with such losses. I am grateful to my mom for getting me the entire Downton Abbey series and taking me to the Pacific Ocean. My husband, family and friends were stellar as I grieved. This challenging period led me to connect with many women facing similar struggles and deepened my understanding of fertility and women's health.

A Holistic Approach to Fertility and Health
In my quest for knowledge, I also discovered the work of Weston Price, a dentist from the 1930s, whose ancestral nutrient-dense diet inspired me to see pregnancy differently. The Weston Price Foundation recommends that a woman “nourish the soil” of her body before pregnancy and not jump into invasive Western medical procedures that force her body to perform, even if she is not ready to produce a child. #RenoNaturalBirth
I knew IVF was not for me. My dreams revealed to me that I could safely have a child at my age, but my body would suffer greatly. It was a difficulty decision, yet I chose to listen to my body and work on my health instead. By then I had a Hashimoto’s thyroiditis diagnosis and severe adrenal burnout. I was on a medication called Synthroid, for the first time in my life.
There were many other changes that led to my current health. I changed my diet and began eating not only gluten-free, but also an ancestral diet. My first husband and I peaceably separated. Shortly afterwards, I met my current husband and moved to a rural town in Eastern Oregon. Over the next six years I read many books, attended adoption trainings, and did a lot of soul searching. My second husband and I ultimately chose not to pursue having a family. I found fulfillment in my role as the "fun aunt" to my nieces and nephews” and in my fascinating profession which is now located in Reno, Nevada.

Professional Expertise: Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine
Today my number one piece of advice to women who want children is to start early, fertility starts declining after age thirty-two. Value yourself if you want to be a stay-at-home mom! It’s a radical act these days to have a family.
If you are having trouble with fertility or want support your pregnancy and post-partum, I would love to be part of your team. I’ve helped many women conceive and have a natural birth. It is always really gratifying to see a baby that I’ve helped come into the world. #RenoIntegrativeDoctor
As a seasoned practitioner in Reno, Nevada, I bring fourteen years of experience in acupuncture and herbal medicine. My practice focuses on women's health, chronic pain, digestion and hormone optimization.
I am no longer on any medications and feel healthier and more vibrant in my fifties than I did in my forties. I am passionate about patient education and offer classes in qi gong, acupressure, and nutrition. #RenoFertilityDoctor

⭐️ Becoming Parents Podcast: One Miscarriage, No Children, Doctor of Oriental Medicine Helping Women with Hopi Wilder
Hosted by Jennifer Campbell, the "Becoming Parents Podcast" is available on over 55 audio platforms and ranks in the top 5% worldwide. Dr. Hopi Wilder, a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, shares her journey from being a dedicated healer and massage therapist to navigating the complexities of fertility and women's health. After experiencing a miscarriage at 42 and exploring various fertility treatments, Dr. Hopi embraced a holistic approach influenced by ancestral, nutrient-dense diets. Although she ultimately chose not to have children, she and her husband enjoy being the "fun aunt and uncle" to their nieces and nephews. Jennifer continues to educate others on preparing their bodies for pregnancy and the benefits of natural fertility treatments.
Conclusion: A Holistic Vision for Health and Well-being
My journey exemplifies a holistic approach to health and well-being, blending personal experiences with professional expertise. My practice Reno acupuncture and herbal medicine practice provides invaluable support for those seeking natural and effective solutions for fertility, pregnancy, and overall women’s health.

Specialized Treatments in Reno, NV
· Hormone Regulation: Acupuncture is a key component in regulating women's hormones, addressing issues such as irregular periods, menopause, and PCOS.
· Fertility Enhancement: The Stenner-Victorin acupuncture protocol, used 24 hours before and after IVF, is known to increase implantation rates by 65%.
· Pregnancy Support: Acupuncture can optimize each trimester of pregnancy, providing relief from nausea, back pain, hip pain, and neck pain. Unique techniques, such as turning breech babies with acupuncture on the pinky toe, highlight the ancient wisdom behind these practices.
· Labor and Postpartum Care: I offer acupuncture inductions and treatments to support labor, manage pain, and assist with postpartum recovery. I also treat post-C-section scars, using a heated needle technique to alleviate pain and promote healing. #RenoWomensHealthDoctor
To learn more about my work, visit Wilder Health Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine:
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